capitalization issue — noun An issue of shares given free by a company to its shareholders (in proportion to the size of their holdings) in order to capitalize reserves, a bonus issue • • • Main Entry: ↑capital … Useful english dictionary
capitalization issue — (Also scrip issue / bonus issue) Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary Security holders are awarded additional assets free of payment from the issuer in proportion to their holding. A bonus issue is typically represented by shares, rights or … Financial and business terms
capitalization issue — (Also scrip issue / bonus issue) Security holders are awarded additional assets free of payment from the issuer in proportion to their holding. A bonus issue is typically represented by shares, rights or warrants. Nominal value does not change.… … Euroclear glossary
capitalization issue — See: scrip issue … Accounting dictionary
capitalization issue — See scrip issue … Big dictionary of business and management
Issue — A particular financial asset. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. issue is‧sue 1 [ˈɪʆuː, ˈɪsjuː ǁ ˈɪʆuː] verb [transitive] 1. to officially give something such as a document to someone who needs or wants it: issue somebody with… … Financial and business terms
issue — A particular financial asset. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. issue is‧sue 1 [ˈɪʆuː, ˈɪsjuː ǁ ˈɪʆuː] verb [transitive] 1. to officially give something such as a document to someone who needs or wants it: issue somebody with something •… … Financial and business terms
capitalization — cap·i·tal·i·za·tion /ˌka pət əl ə zā shən, əl ī / n 1: the act or process of capitalizing capitalization of earnings 2: a sum resulting from a process of capitalizing; esp: paid in capital at capital ina … Law dictionary
Capitalization-weighted index — A capitalization weighted index is an index whose components are weighted according to the total market value of their outstanding shares. Also called a market value weighted index. The impact of a component s price change is proportional to the… … Wikipedia
Capitalization Of Profits — Converting a company s retained earnings, which represent the profits held in the business over time, to capital. The capitalization of profits process involves issuing a stock dividend, or bonus shares, to existing shareholders. This allocation… … Investment dictionary
capitalization — 1) The act of providing capital for a company or other organization. 2) The structure of the capital of a company or other organization, i.e. the extent to which its capital is divided into share or loan capital and the extent to which share… … Accounting dictionary